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County commissioners to meet Monday

Wharton County Commissioners Court will hold a meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 28 Wharton County Courthouse Annex Building, 309 East Milam Street, to discuss, consider and act upon the following agenda items:

Provide update and take all appropriate action for county offices to respond to COVID-19 related situations.

Move Office of Emergency Management-Deputy position from temporary to a permanent part-time position.


Transfer $27,500 from All Precincts-Road Paving — Optional Services (contingency) to Special Road and Road & Bridge Fund Pct. 1 — Road Materials to purchase gravel and cold mix.

Approve lease agreement with DeWitt Poth & Son for copy machine in the veteran services office.

Bid out road constructions for Boling Street project in Pct. 1.

Approve revised priority list for County Transportation Infrastructure Fund (CTIF) 2020 Grant Program.

Ratify transmission repairs in the amount of $3,836.91 to 2002 Dodge pickup with funds from Special Road and Road & Bridge Fund Pct. 2 — Vehicles.

Approve rental lease agreement with CIC Construction Inc. for 725 Caterpillar Articulated Truck (25 yard off road dump truck) for Pecan Valley Project.

Obtain bids for bridge construction project on County Road 391 South.

Approve final plat for HF Liberty 134 LLC Estates.

Approve final plat for Mauch Subdivision.

Approve public auction online through www.gov.deals.com from Oct. 14 though Oct. 21

Consent Agenda Items (Unless removed from consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time)

Approve continuation of membership in Texas Association of counties (TAC) Workers Compensation Alliance.

Approve Resolution No. 20-32 — Public sale of property acquired by the County of Wharton from delinquent taxes.

Approve Budget adjustments and amendments as presented and amended.

Ratify Sept. 18 payroll in the amount of $294,262.48 and applicable benefits of $552,500.30 and time sensitive invoices in the amount of $37,804.79.

Authorize the county treasurer and the county auditor to pay and release time sensitive invoices as presented and amended, cash payments to jurors and payroll and applicable benefits for Oct. 2 to be ratified by commissioners court Oct. 12.

Approve Aug. 24 minutes.

Accept monthly reports.


Pay claims.

For more information or to view past agendas and minutes, visit the Wharton County website.

Natalie Frels-Busbyhttps://www.thecountygin.com
Natalie Frels-Busby is the former editor-in-chief of The County Gin.

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