The Wharton City Council met at its regularly-scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 24 to discuss the 2020-21 proposed WCA Waste Corporation (WCA) rate increase, city water and sewage rate increase, as well as to adopt the city proposed tax rate.
In a unanimous vote, council members approved a proposed adopted property tax rate of $0.43752 (a $0.008 decrease from the current rate) and moved to set a public hearing date for the tax rate and the city manager proposed 2020-21 budget for Monday, Sept. 14 in conjunction with its next meeting.
Shortly after council members heard citizen opposition concerning the WCA proposed rate increase in the amount of 2.8%, Andel announced an agreement between the city and WCA was reached and the corporation would not impose a rate increase for the upcoming year.
Council did, however approve a solid waste fee increase in the amount of 3%, which translates to a monthly increase of .62 cents for residential users and .81 cents for commercial users and proceeded to the discussion of city utility fee increase for water and sewage.
Andel explained the proposed 10% rate increase for water and sewer fees is to cover finance charges and payments for a USDA loan to dig a new water well on the north side of the city — a project that, if not completed, could leave city residents without water.
“We are in the process of instituting a new water well on the north side of town to the tune of approximately $4.87 million,” Andel said. “In order to pay for that loan, we have to have additional funds. This water well is to ensure that we have water. As you know, some of our current wells are operating at 50% and are aging — some in the age range of 50 years. We have looked at every possible avenue to cover these charges, but this is the only way I could find. If we lose water, we’re in a bad way.”
The USDA loan cost per year would be approximately $300,000; however, this rate increase would include possible repair costs to existing water wells.
“We just don’t want to get in that situation to where we wouldn’t have funds to continue this new well process or where we couldn’t repair an existing one,” Andel said. “This is crucial to the water operation for our citizens.”
Members voted to approve the rate increase and added the rate increase to the Monday, Sept. 14 public hearing.
Other items discussed
• Request by Mr. Sohail Ali on behalf of SIAM Investment LLC for a Re-Plat of Wharton, Block 57, Lots 18B & 18C.
• Request by Mr. Emilio Cervantes, 604 Maple St., Washington Homes, Block 1, Lots 1 and 2 for a setback variance to build a new home over an existing property line.
• Request for Approval of Variance for Temporary Placement of Travel Trailer for contractor while construction is occurring at 214 Hughes and 1024 Damon Street.
• Request for Approval of Variance for Temporary Placement of Travel Trailer for contractor while construction is occurring at 214 Hughes and 1024 Damon Street.
• Request for Approval of Extension on Variance for Temporary Placement of Travel Trailer for 312 Boatwright by Wharton County Long Term Recovery Team.
• A resolution of the Wharton City Council approving a contract between the City of Wharton and Jones and Carter for the 2020 Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Televising Project and authorizing the Mayor of the City of Wharton to execute all documents related to said project.
• A resolution of the Wharton City Council authorizing the sale of certain City of Wharton Properties as surplus properties and authorizing the Mayor of the City of Wharton to execute all necessary documents associated with said sale of those certain properties.
• Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Grant Programs: A resolution of the Wharton City Council awarding a contract for grant services for the Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Grant Programs administered by the Texas General Land Office (GLO) and authorizing the Mayor of the City of Wharton to execute all documents related to said contract; and a resolution of the Wharton City Council awarding a contract for engineering services for the Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Grant Programs administered by the Texas General Land Office (GLO) and authorizing the Mayor of the City of Wharton to execute all documents related to said contract.
• A resolution of the Wharton City Council authorizing the purchase of one hundred (100) individual hand sanitizer stands and two hundred (200) gallons of sanitizing gel for distribution to local business to combat the spread of the Coronavirus and authorizing the City Manager to execute all documents related to said purchase.
• A resolution of the Wharton City Council approving the establishment of a checking account for all Texas Department of Emergency Management Awards for all disasters (public assistance, hazard mitigation, etc.) with Prosperity Bank and authorizing the Mayor, City Manager and Finance Director as the signatories.
• A resolution of the Wharton City Council authorizing the purchase of one (1) Stryker Power Load Unit from Stryker Medical through the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) that was enacted as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act and authorizing the City Manager to execute all documents related to said purchase.
• Update of City of Wharton Grant Programs.
• Update of City of Wharton on-going Projects.
• Appointments and Resignations to the City of Wharton Boards, Commissions and Committees.
• City Council Boards, Commissions and Committee Reports: finance committee Meeting held August 10, 2020; and public works committee meeting held August 10, 2020.
• City Manager’s Reports: City Secretary/Personnel; Code Enforcement; Community Services Department / Civic Center; Emergency Management; E. M. S. Department; Facilities Maintenance Department / Wharton Municipal Pool; Fire Department; Fire Marshal; Legal Department; Municipal Court; Police Department; Public Works Department; Water / Sewer Department; Weedy Lots / Sign Ordinance; and Wharton Regional Airport.
The meeting ended after council concluded discussion of the city manager evaluation and acquisition of real property for the continuation of the Wharton Flood Reduction Project Levee in executive session.
Wharton City Council will hold a public hearing and regularly scheduled meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 14.
For meeting minutes, public notices and agendas visit the City of Wharton’s website.