The Wharton County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s assistance for information regarding several poisoning incidents in Louise.

WCSO Sgt. Scott Grosser told The County Gin that the first report came to his attention on Monday, July 20 and that five or six incidents have happened since, with two animal deaths.

‘Everybody has ideas and speculations.’

“The first report I know of came in last week, but that’s not to say it hasn’t been going on before that and people thought it was an isolated incident,” Grosser told The Gin. “I’ve picked up another case this week and I’ve talked to some other people. It’s looking like there’s probably five or six that I can really put my hands on. I hear there are more, but I can’t be sure.”


The method in which the poisonings occur appear to be through prepared meat with over-the-counter pesticides.

“What I’ve seen so far, it looks like it’s prepared meat, probably chicken. I don’t know if it’s fast food or something someone cooked in their kitchen or picked up at H-E-B,” Grosser said. “It probably has some kind of over the counter or retail available rat poison. We haven’t done any kind of toxicology on it, but that’s the opinion that’s running around right now.”

The incidents have occurred in a localized area, he said, noting, “Louise isn’t that big, but I can’t really say for sure. There’s a multi-block area that kind of stretches between the main drag and the high school.”

While Grosser said he does not have a suspect, he is exploring persons of interest.

“I do not have a suspect yet. I do have a couple of names of interest that I’m kind of looking at, but when you get something like this, information explodes,” he said. “Everybody has ideas and speculations. I can’t narrow it to one person just yet.”

‘Anyone that knows anything or has cameras, we’d love for them to come forward. If they’ve captured something (on camera), I’d love to see it.’

As the WCSO awaits toxicology reports to determine the exact cause of death in the two dogs that have passed, Grosser asks that anyone with information or cameras to contact his office and to refrain from turning to social media to point fingers.

“Anyone that knows anything or has cameras, we’d love for them to come forward. If they’ve captured something (on camera), I’d love to see it,” Grosser said. “I would just ask that they don’t bash someone on social media or online if they think someone did it. Absolutely forward the information to us, but don’t get into a big accusation thing online because that doesn’t do anything but fan the flames of dissension in a little town. If someone thinks they know something, by all means, please give me a call.”

If you have any information regarding these incidents, please contact Sgt. Grosser at (979) 532-1550 or CrimeStoppers at (979) 543-TIPS.


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