City departments came before Wharton City Council members Tuesday at 6 p.m. at city hall to present their financial needs for the upcoming year, as well as long-term financial goals and projects.

Various departments presented their five-year capital needs, programs and status of funds, including:

1. Budget Workshop: City of Wharton 2020-2021 Fiscal Year Budget: 


A. Five-year Vehicle & Equipment Capital Needs: 

1. Police, Emergency Management, Communications Departments. 

2. Fire Department. 

3. Emergency Medical Services Department. 

4. Code Enforcement. 

5. Parks & Facilities Department. 

6. Airport Department. 

7. Municipal Court. 

8. Civic Center. 

B. Five-Year Capital Infrastructure Improvement Program: 

1. Transportation Systems. 

A. Streets. 

B. Major Thoroughfares. 

C. Sidewalks. 

2. Drainage System. 

3. Flood Reduction Project-Levee. 

4. Water and Sewer Utility System 

C. General Fund. 

D. PEG Fund. 

E. Hotel Motel Fund. 

F. Narcotics Seizure Fund. 

G. Debt Fund. 

H. Capital Improvement Fund. 

I. Water & Sewer Fund. 

J. Solid Waste Fund. 

K. Emergency Medical Services Fund. 

L. Civic Center Fund. 

M. Airport Fund. 

Wharton City Manager Andres Garza Jr. told The County Gin the next budget workshop is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Monday, July 20.


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